
IQ-TREE version 1.6.6

Jul 1, 2018

This version contains a number of bugfixes and is highly recommended for all users.


  • Issue with internal tree node names changed from slash to underscore (reported by JP Flandrois).
  • Wrong FREQ_UNKNOWN assertion with protein mixture models, e.g. LG4X (reported by Giddy Landan).
  • Disallow specifying both --runs with -lmap option (reported by Giap Nguyen).
  • Reading nexus polymorphic characters for non-DNA data (reported by a web user).
  • Amino-acid O (22nd amino-acid) is accepted as missing data (reported by Cuong Dang).
  • Negative initial free-rates in rare cases (reported by Paul Frandsen).
  • Memory leak in reading NEXUS alignment.
  • Crash with resampling strategy (-bsam) for standard bootstrap (-b) and jackknife (-j option).
  • Crash with standard bootstrap and partition merging (-m ...MERGE) (reported by Guoqing Li).
  • Wrong error with codon models and -t RANDOM (reported by Karen Meusemann).
  • Parsing error with blank chars in partition file (reported by David Maddison).
  • Freezing caused by old Intel OpenMP library (reported by David Maddison).
  • Too strict assertion about one applied NNI (reported by Karen Meusemann).
  • Error message when specifying mixture with GHOST model (reported by Anja Spang).
Download version 1.6.6 from GitHub

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